Water Asset Identification and Vulnerability Assessment Project (2012-14)

Auricht Projects was engaged by the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) as part of the National Partnership Agreement between the Australian Government and Jurisdictions, to facilitate (and provide project management and technical support related to) the development of a state-wide spatial database of water related assets and an assessment of their vulnerability to Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development.

AIFSRC Web-mapping Application (2014)

Auricht Projects was engaged by the Australian International Food Security Research Centre (AIFSRC) to develop a simple web mapping application identifying where they work, with links to specific project details. Functionality is also included to link to either a project

SquareEyes Web-based Weed Mapping Application (2013-14)

Auricht Projects was engaged by AgResearch Limited in New Zealand to develop a proto-type weed mapping application to capture information on weed occurrence for over 100 weed species in New Zealand. Key requirements included administrator and moderator functionality, ability to

IBRA 7 Update (2009 -2012)

The national and regional planning framework for the systematic development of a comprehensive, adequate and representative ‘CAR’ National Reserve System is provided by the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA). IBRA is endorsed by all levels of government as a