The northern Australian tropical savannas extend over 1.9 million km2 of the continent and include the northern reaches of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland. Contemporary fire regimes across this area have significant implications for greenhouse gas emissions, carbon
Development of Conceptual Models for major Social and Ecological Systems in the South East NRM Region (2014)
Auricht Projects was contracted by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources to develop a series of broad scale conceptual models for the major social and ecological systems (SES) or landscapes in the South East NRM Region of South
Identification, delineation and documentation of Aboriginal Values of South East Wetlands (2014)
Auricht Projects was contracted by the South East Natural Resources Management Board and Natural Resources South East to develop a framework to identify, illustrate and via a participatory approach document Aboriginal values for different wetland types and watercourses in a format suitable
AIFSRC Nutrition Report & Food Nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa Workshop (2012)
In 2012 Auricht Projects co-led the development of a background report to underpin a major Australian International Food Security Research Centre (AIFSRC) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) workshop on Food Nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Water Asset Identification and Vulnerability Assessment Project (2012-14)
Auricht Projects was engaged by the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) as part of the National Partnership Agreement between the Australian Government and Jurisdictions, to facilitate (and provide project management and technical support related to) the development of a state-wide spatial database of water related assets and an assessment of their vulnerability to Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development.
Modelling Water-related Ecological Responses to Coal Seam Gas Extraction and Coal Mining (2014)
Auricht Projects was engaged by the Office of Water Science in 2014 to facilitate an expert workshop and lead the development of a Technical Report for the Independent Expert Scientific Committee (IESC) on ‘Modelling water related ecological responses to coal seam gas extraction and coal mining’.
Conceptual Models for the Lake Eyre Basin Rivers Monitoring (LEBRM) Project (2013-14)
Auricht Projects led the development of conceptual models for the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) to identify and illustrate key aquatic ecosystem types in the Lake Eyre Basin and their potential vulnerability to Coal Seam
Conceptual Models for major Social and Ecological Systems (SES) for NRM Planning (2014)
Auricht Projects led the development of a series of conceptual models for major Social and Ecological Systems to support NRM planning in the SE NRM Region. Involved development of specific models identifying landscape components, processes, values and threats plus a toolkit/capacity
Development of the interim Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem Classification (2008-13)
Between 2008 and 2013 Auricht Projects proposed the concept and led the development of the interim Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem Classification (ANAE). The outputs of this process have been incorporated into the Australian Governments Aquatic Ecosystems Toolkit Involved high level
AIFSRC Web-mapping Application (2014)
Auricht Projects was engaged by the Australian International Food Security Research Centre (AIFSRC) to develop a simple web mapping application identifying where they work, with links to specific project details. Functionality is also included to link to either a project
SquareEyes Web-based Weed Mapping Application (2013-14)
Auricht Projects was engaged by AgResearch Limited in New Zealand to develop a proto-type weed mapping application to capture information on weed occurrence for over 100 weed species in New Zealand. Key requirements included administrator and moderator functionality, ability to
IBRA 7 Update (2009 -2012)
The national and regional planning framework for the systematic development of a comprehensive, adequate and representative ‘CAR’ National Reserve System is provided by the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA). IBRA is endorsed by all levels of government as a