Auricht Projects led the Spatial and Information Analysis Team for the Joint ACIAR-ICRAF-UN-FAO publication Dixon et al (2020) ‘Farming Systems and Food Security in Africa: Priorities for Science and Policy under Global Change‘. This study is an update and expansion of the 2000 Joint FAO-World Bank Global Study on Farming Systems and Poverty Alleviation (see and World Bank) where Mr Auricht also led the data and analytics team. (See also Spotlight on Farming Systems). The current update involves sourcing data, building partnerships and liaising with international agencies and over 60 research scientists; establishing an extensive database of 100 plus layers; processing temporal layers on Net Primary Production and Length of Growing Period (to inform assessment of climate change); developing algorithms and models to spatially allocate data on crops, livestock, land use, farm size dynamics and population; plus, the development of a suite of data and information products to inform policy, planning and sustainable development. Mr Auricht was also a co-editor of the overall publication and both a co-author and lead author on various chapters.
Outputs of this project have been presented at numerous international forums and via various policy related instruments. For example:
- 2017 A farming system framework for investment planning and priority setting in Ethiopia
- Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
- Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP)
- New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)
- Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture
- 2012 International Food Security in Africa: Bridging Research and Practice Conference
- 2014 IFPRI Publication Atlas of African Agriculture Research & Development and
- Fourth Farming Systems Design Conference, At Lanzhou, China (2013)
See also 2012 AIFSRC Project Summary and Policy Release, and the 2012 ACIAR PowerPoint Presentation